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Our Structures team has almost 100 years of experience. We specialize in the design of bridges, retaining and noise walls, and miscellaneous structures. We also perform numerous structural inspections across the state of Arizona.

Sky Train Pedestrian Bridge

City of Phoenix

Ethos provided design for two pedestrian bridges and pathways along the Grand Canal. One is the Sky Train location and the other at an elementary school. Both locations required the bridges to be designed in a short period of time so construction could occur during the SRP Canal dry-up period.

SR202L (Red Mountain Fwy), SR101L to Broadway Rd) GP Lanes


Ethos worked on the design of this 109-million-dollar design-build project which widened five miles of freeway from SR101L to Gilbert Road to accommodate additional general purpose lanes. The design included 28 retaining walls and three overhang slabs. Through coordination with the design team and multiple agencies, Ethos’ design reduced the overall cost of the project associated with the walls and overhang slabs.

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SR 202L South Mountain Freeway


Ethos had the privilege of working on the largest project in the history of ADOT that provides 22 miles of new freeway. As part of the overall involvement of our company in this project, our structures team designed six bridge structures along the SR202L alignment as well as the design of two large drainage structures for the crossing of the SR202L over the Laveen Area Conveyance Channel. Our team also prepared wall and roadway details used project wide.

Nevitt Park Pedestrian & Bicycle Bridge

City of Phoenix

​As prime consultant, Ethos led the design for the pedestrian bridge at Nevitt Park over the Western Canal. This project was a Federal Aid Project which used federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) funding per the City’s application through Maricopa Association of Governments for bicycle projects in 2007.

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Awarded the Arizona ACEC 2015 Grand Choice Award and

National 2016 AEG Project of the Year.

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SR101L (Red Mountain Freeway, Shea Blvd to SR202L


As a subconsultant, Ethos worked on the design of this project which widened five miles of freeway to accommodate additional general-purpose lanes. Ethos provided wall solutions to address widening of retaining walls in close proximity to existing walls and footings. Structural details for supports of traffic signs, landscape, roadway and drainage structures were provided.

Rancho Mercado - McMicken Way to Happy Valley Road - 147th Avenue

City of Surprise

Ethos, as a sub-consultant, provided structural design services for the Happy Valley Road Bridge. This included a Structure Selection Report which investigated viable structural alternatives, established preliminary design for the bridge structure, and made a recommendation on structure type. Ethos then provided the design of a single-span AASHTO Type III Girder bridge for the crossing of the major arterial roadway over the Beardsley Canal.


Piestewa Peak Trailhead Phase II - Hopi & Mohave Area Picnic Design

City of Phoenix

The Piestewa Peak Trailhead project included improvements to trailheads along East Squaw Peak Drive within the Piestewa Peak Mountain Preserve. Ethos, as a prime consultant for Phase II design, included the Hopi and Mohave Trailheads. The project increased public-parking spaces, facilitated traffic movement, added/restored ramadas and added restrooms at various locations.
Ethos successfully completed the structural, site civil, grading and drainage, utilities, SWPPP, signing and striping designs, and performed the geotechnical investigations.

White Tanks FRS #4 Drainage Structure


As a subconsultant, Ethos completed the structural design of the Principal Spillway Structures which includes the Inlet Structure and the Impact Basin structure. The design of the inlet structure was performed in conformance to the design specifications published by the US Department of Agriculture for this type of structure. The design also included the auxiliary spillway structure. 

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Happy Valley Road Bridge Crossing over Beardsley Canal


Ethos designed two, single-span AASHTO Precast Prestressed Concrete Girder Bridges for the Happy Valley Road over the Beardsley Canal. This twin set of bridges are used to carry EB and WB traffic over the canal. The bridges are separated by a 16-foot opening in the median. Ethos inspected the drilled shaft and substructure construction (abutment caps and retaining walls) as well as the fabrication and placement of the girders.

Sun Valley Festival Golf Cart Underpass

Private Developer

Ethos designed and inspected the retaining walls and temporary soldier pile shoring for construction, as well as performed the inspection during the precasting and the placement of the precast reinforced concrete arch bridge sections for the underpass. Additionally, Ethos prepared the
construction phasing and structure excavation and backfill details.

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CAP Bridge for El Mirage Road

Private Developer

This CAP bridge allows vehicular and pedestrian access along El Mirage Road to Phase 2 of the Lake Pleasant Heights PCD development located north of the Central Arizona Project (CAP). The three-span precast pre-stressed Bulb Tee Girder bridge supports water lines, power, and dry-utilities. The drilled shafts are spaced in a way to allow a gravity sewer line to be jacked and bored under the CAP between drilled shafts. The project also consists of a 20-foot-wide O&M Equipment Underpass north of the CAP Canal and an equestrian trail north of the Canal and north of the O&M road.

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